A John’s approach to diagnosis and treatment is unique due to his training in palpation-based (touch) acupuncture styles. Much of the diagnostic information he receives from the patient is obtained through both very gentle and also deeper touching of the skin, muscles, connective tissues, acupuncture meridians, and hara (abdomen). One treatment may fuse together two or more healing modalities and acupuncture styles. A session may also include tongue and pulse diagnosis along with orthopedic muscle testing. A treatment may involve fire cupping, electrostim acupuncture, gua sha, moxibustion, and/or bodywork. John always does an in-depth patient workup which allows each patient to verbally express all questions and health concerns before we begin.
His treatments are considered to be gentle yet effective. John encourages patient input and verbal feedback during each session, which helps to guide the treatment. Some of his sessions utilize very shallow and gentle needling, often barely-felt by the patient, while some may call for deeper needling and myofascial "Dry Needling," in which John helps the patient to release areas of held tension, "knots," or where things “feel stuck.” Many people have heard of or even experienced dry needling, but don't realize that licensed acupuncturists are the best dry needlers on the planet, with the most effective and safest records. John has extensive experience with this needling technique that is properly supported by also applying needles according to the theories of the Acupuncture Meridians. Occasionally, he utilizes electro-stimulation of the needles to treat pain conditions. Many sessions also may need to incorporate some form of bodywork, fire cupping, or moxibustion.
John specializes in treating all kinds of painful conditions both acute and chronic. Sports Medicine and pain management is a passion of Johns. His treatments also successfully address more internal, organic disharmonies such as adrenal exhaustion, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, menstrual pain, digestive complaints, allergies, symptoms of Lyme Disease, and the like.
Personally, John has decades of experience being treated with many kinds of holistic approaches for his own healthcare needs, and as such has a deeply genuine and empathetic understanding of many of his patients’ health complaints. He also has solid experience navigating the maze of Western medicine when relief is difficult to achieve. His practice space is your space during each treatment session, and his goal is to work with you as opposed to on you. This integrative approach is utilized to help each patient obtain a deeper understanding of their ailments and how to address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem.
John also enjoys Culinary Medicine, in particular Chinese Culinary Medicine. If a patient is interested, John can provide ingredient and meal suggestions for people to eat at home to help relieve their conditions. Other services John enjoys providing is personalized recipe/menu development, and Private Chef work for those that need such things.
His treatments are considered to be gentle yet effective. John encourages patient input and verbal feedback during each session, which helps to guide the treatment. Some of his sessions utilize very shallow and gentle needling, often barely-felt by the patient, while some may call for deeper needling and myofascial "Dry Needling," in which John helps the patient to release areas of held tension, "knots," or where things “feel stuck.” Many people have heard of or even experienced dry needling, but don't realize that licensed acupuncturists are the best dry needlers on the planet, with the most effective and safest records. John has extensive experience with this needling technique that is properly supported by also applying needles according to the theories of the Acupuncture Meridians. Occasionally, he utilizes electro-stimulation of the needles to treat pain conditions. Many sessions also may need to incorporate some form of bodywork, fire cupping, or moxibustion.
John specializes in treating all kinds of painful conditions both acute and chronic. Sports Medicine and pain management is a passion of Johns. His treatments also successfully address more internal, organic disharmonies such as adrenal exhaustion, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, menstrual pain, digestive complaints, allergies, symptoms of Lyme Disease, and the like.
Personally, John has decades of experience being treated with many kinds of holistic approaches for his own healthcare needs, and as such has a deeply genuine and empathetic understanding of many of his patients’ health complaints. He also has solid experience navigating the maze of Western medicine when relief is difficult to achieve. His practice space is your space during each treatment session, and his goal is to work with you as opposed to on you. This integrative approach is utilized to help each patient obtain a deeper understanding of their ailments and how to address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem.
John also enjoys Culinary Medicine, in particular Chinese Culinary Medicine. If a patient is interested, John can provide ingredient and meal suggestions for people to eat at home to help relieve their conditions. Other services John enjoys providing is personalized recipe/menu development, and Private Chef work for those that need such things.